Cosmetic braces: the subtle way to straighter teeth

Cosmetic braces are designed to straighten your teeth not just discreetly, but also more comfortably and often more quickly than conventional orthodontic appliances. At Hampton clinic Capital Dental, we use a number of leading discreet brace brands, including Cfast and FastBraces, to straighten your teeth. We also offer treatment with clear aligners including Smile Tru, Invisalign and the Inman Aligner. All have their benefits, and these will be discussed by your dentist at your initial consultation.

Teeth straightening in Hampton

cosmetic-bracesWhen you come for an orthodontic consultation, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and your bite – how your jaws meet each other – before discussing in detail all relevant treatment options. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about treatment, so that we can find the ideal appliance to suit both your clinical need and your lifestyle.


FastBraces can be traditional metal braces, or for maximum discretion clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires can be used. Whilst traditional orthodontic appliances move the teeth in two phases, FastBraces move both roots and crowns from day one. This speeds up your treatment time, with typical treatment lasting between three and 12 months.


One of several clear aligner systems available at our Hamptondental practice, Invisalign comprises a series of aligners that you change every two weeks as your teeth move. Because they are removable, Invisalign make maintain good dental hygiene during treatment a piece of cake.

Cfast braces

Cfast are cosmetic braces that focus on the front six teeth – those on show when you smile. Made from clear and tooth-coloured components, typical treatment time with Cfast is about six months.

Smile Tru

Smile Tru clear aligners can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues with minimal impact on your lifestyle. They are removable, meaning you can take them out for short periods to clean and to eat.